Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about Ellas TV MAX with our most frequent questions answered for your convenience.

Press on the “SIGN UP” button located at the top right of the page and complete the three-step process. After you complete the process, you can use your email and the password you created to sign in to your device.

As soon as you payment is accepted, you can have access to your Ellas TV MAX account.

The EMAX-803 Set Top Box can only be ordered from our “Shop” page.

Ellas TV MAX App is available to download on Amazon Fire TV Stick, Android TV devices, Google TV devices, Apple TV, Roku TV, Samsung TV, LG TV, Windows Desktops and Laptops, Mac Desktops and Laptops, as well as iOS and Android mobile devices. 

*See on the “Apps” page for supported models.

You can only use one device at a time. For concurrently viewing, you must select the “Second Device” addon on the checkout page. The maximum number of concurrent devices per account is two.

To change your subscription, click “SIGN IN” at the upper right corner of the page. Sign in with your email and password, and choose ‘Subscriptions’ from the drop-down menu that appears when you hover your initials. Press on “Change Subscription”, select your subscription on top, press on “Edit Subscription”, select the package you want to change to and finally, press on “Update Subscription”.

To cancel your subscription, click “SIGN IN” at the upper right corner of the page. Sign in with your email and password, and choose ‘Subscriptions’ from the drop-down menu that appears when you hover your initials. Press “Change Subscription”, select your subscription on top, and finally, press “Cancel Subscription”.

For more information, you can email us at